The nature of disk of satellites around Milky Way-like galaxies [GA]

It has been suggested that the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way reside in a highly-flattened, kinematically-coherent plane called Disk of Satellites (DoS). The origin of the DoS, however, has been hotly debated, and a number of conflicting claims have been reported in the literature on whether or not the DoS is consistent with predictions from the standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmological model. Here we investigate this issue by comparing a high-resolution, hydrodynamic $\Lambda$CDM simulation of a Milky Way sized galaxy with its dark matter only counterpart. We find the following results: (1) The abundance and distribution of satellite galaxies around a host galaxy is significantly different in the hydro simulation compared to its N-body counterpart; (2) No clear coherent rotation is found in the satellite system, as the fractions of corotating and counter-corotating satellites remain comparable across cosmic time; (3) The satellite distribution evolves significantly with time, from nearly isotropic at high redshift to anisotropic at the present day; (4) The DoS properties strongly depend on sample selection and plane identification methods. Our results imply that the spatially-thin and coherently-rotating DoS reported in Milky Way and other galaxies may be a selection effect of small sample size.

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M. Maji, Q. Zhu, F. Marinacci, et. al.
Fri, 3 Feb 17

Comments: Submitted. 14 pages, 16 figures