Is there a disk of satellites around the Milky Way? [GA]

The Disk of satellites (DoS) around Milky Way is a highly debated topic with conflicting interpretations of observations and their theoretical models. Here we perform a comprehensive analysis of all dwarfs detected in the Milky Way and we find that the DoS structure depends strongly on the plane identification method and the sample size. Moreover, no clear coherent motion is found in the position-momentum phase-space of the satellites, and the thin DoS of the 11 classical satellites appears to be transient. Furthermore, by comparing {\Lambda}CDM cosmological simulations of a Milky Way-sized galaxy with and without baryons, we find that the hydrodynamic simulation produces more anisotropic distribution of satellites than its N-body counterpart. We conclude that an anisotropic distribution of satellites in galaxies can originate from baryonic processes in the hierarchical structure formation model, but the claimed highly-flattened, coherently-rotating DoS of the Milky Way is likely a small-number selection effect and maybe a misinterpretation of the data. Our results may help resolve the contradictory claims of DoS in other galaxies and the discrepancy among numerical simulations.

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M. Maji, Q. Zhu, F. Marinacci, et. al.
Fri, 3 Feb 17

Comments: Submitted. 6 pages, 4 figures