Global Evolution of an Accretion Disk with Net Vertical Field: Coronal Accretion, Flux Transport, and Disk Winds [EPA]

We report new global ideal MHD simulations for thin accretion disks threaded by net vertical magnetic fields. Our computations span three orders of magnitude in radius, extend all the way to the pole, and are evolved for more than one viscous time over the inner decade in radius. Static mesh refinement is used to properly resolve MRI. We find that:(1) inward accretion occurs mostly in the upper magnetically dominated regions of the disk, similar to the “coronal accretion” in previous GRMHD simulations. Rapid inflow in the upper layers combined with slow outflow at the midplane creates strong $R\phi$ and $z\phi$ stresses in the mean field; the vertically integrated $\alpha\sim 0.5-1$ when the initial field has $\beta_{0}=10^3$ at the midplane. (2) A quasi-static global field geometry is established in which flux transport by inflows at the surface is balanced by turbulent diffusion. The field is strongly pinched inwards at the surface. A steady-state advection-diffusion model, with turbulent magnetic Prandtl number of order unity, reproduces this geometry well. (3) Weak unsteady disk winds are launched at $z/R\sim1$ with the Alfven radius $R_{A}/R_{0}\sim3$. Although the wind is episodic, the time averaged properties are well described by steady wind theory. Wind is not efficient at transporting angular momentum. Even with $\beta_{0}=10^3$, only 5% of the angular momentum transport is driven by torque from the wind, and the wind mass flux from the inner decade of radius is only $\sim$ 0.4% of the mass accretion rate. With weaker fields or thinner disks, the wind contributes even less. (4) Most of the disk accretion is driven by the $R\phi$ stress from the MRI and global magnetic fields. Our simulations may shed light on high $\alpha$ in CVs, high near-IR flux in Herbig stars, fast inflow in transitional disks, outflow in FUors, and the transport of chondrites in our solar system.

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Z. Zhu and J. Stone
Wed, 18 Jan 17

Comments: 27 pages, 28 figures, Submitted to the AAS Journals