The abundance of compact quiescent galaxies since $z\sim0.6$ [GA]

We quantify the number density of compact massive (M > 5×10^10 M_sun) galaxies at intermediate redshifts (0.2<z<0.6) in the equatorial SDSS Stripe 82 region (~250 sq. degrees). This is the largest volume probed up to date allowing to decrease the effect of cosmic variance. Structural parameters are obtained in the i-band using the CFHT Stripe 82 (CS82) survey with an exquisite median seeing of ~0.6″. We explore a variety of definitions of compactness present in the literature. We find that the absolute number of compact galaxies is very dependent on the adopted definition, and can change up to a factor of >10. However, we systematically measure a factor of ~5 more compacts at the same redshift than what was previously reported on smaller fields with HST imaging, more affected by cosmic variance. This means that the decrease in number density from z~1.5 to z~0.2 might be only of a factor of ~2-5, significantly smaller than what previously reported: this supports progenitor bias as the main contributor to the size evolution. This decrease is roughly compatible with the predictions from recent numerical simulations. Only extreme compact galaxies (Reff < 1.5x(M/10^11 M_sun)^0.75 and M > 10^10.7 M_sun) seem to drop in number by a factor of ~20 and therefore probably experience a noticeable size evolution.

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A. Charbonnier, M. Huertas-Company, T. Goncalves, et. al.
Mon, 16 Jan 17

Comments: 14 pages, 13 figures, re-submitted to MNRAS after addressing the referee’s comments