Milli-arcsecond imaging of the radio emission from the quasar with the most massive black hole at reionization [GA]

We report Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the 1.5 GHz radio continuum emission of the {\it z=6.326} quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 (hereafter J0100+2802). J0100+2802 is, by far the most optically luminous, and radio-quiet quasar with the most massive black hole known at z>6. The VLBA observations have a synthesized beam size of 12.10 mas $\times$5.36 mas (FWHM), and detected the radio continuum emission from this object with a peak surface brightness of 64.6+/-9.0 micro-Jy/beam and a total flux density of 88+/-19 micro-Jy. The position of the radio peak is consistent with that from SDSS in the optical and Chandra in the X-ray. The radio source is marginally resolved by the VLBA observations. A 2-D Gaussian fit to the image constrains the source size to $\rm (7.1+/-3.5) mas x (3.1+/-1.7) mas. This corresponds to a physical scale of (40+/-20) pc x (18+/-10) pc. We estimate the intrinsic brightness temperature of the VLBA source to be T_{B}=(1.6 +/- 1.2) x 10^{7} K. This is significantly higher than the maximum value in normal star forming galaxies, indicating an AGN origin for the radio continuum emission. However, it is also significantly lower than the brightness temperatures found in highest redshift radio-loud quasars. J0100+2802 provides a unique example to study the radio activity in optically luminous and radio quiet active galactic nuclei in the early universe. Further observations at multiple radio frequencies will accurately measure the spectral index and address the dominant radiation mechanism of the radio emission.

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R. Wang, E. Momjian, C. Carilli, et. al.
Fri, 13 Jan 17

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJLetter