Numerical simulations have become a major tool for understanding galaxy formation and evolution. Over the decades the field has made significant progress. It is now possible to simulate the formation of individual galaxies and galaxy populations from well defined initial conditions with realistic abundances and global properties. An essential component of the calculation is to correctly estimate the inflow to and outflow from forming galaxies since observations indicating low formation efficiency and strong circum-glactic presence of gas are persuasive. Energetic ‘feedback’ from massive stars and accreting super-massive black holes – generally unresolved in cosmological simulations – plays a major role for driving galactic outflows, which have been shown to regulate many aspects of galaxy evolution. A surprisingly large variety of plausible sub-resolution models succeeds in this exercise. They capture the essential characteristics of the problem, i.e. outflows regulating galactic gas flows, but their predictive power is limited. In this review we focus on one major challenge for galaxy formation theory: to understand the underlying physical processes that regulate the structure of the interstellar medium, star formation and the driving of galactic outflows. This requires accurate physical models and numerical simulations, which can precisely describe the multi-phase structure of the interstellar medium on the currently unresolved few hundred parsecs scales of large scale cosmological simulations. Such models ultimately require the full accounting for the dominant cooling and heating processes, the radiation and winds from massive stars and accreting black holes, an accurate treatment of supernova explosions as well as the non-thermal components of the interstellar medium like magnetic fields and cosmic rays.
T. Naab and J. Ostriker
Thu, 22 Dec 16
Comments: ARAA draft version
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