The process of atomic-to-molecular (HI-to-H$_2$) gas conversion is fundamental for molecular-cloud formation and star formation. 21 cm observations of the star-forming region W43 revealed extremely high HI column densities, of 120-180 M$_{\odot}$ pc$^{-2}$, a factor of 10-20 larger than predicted by HI-to-H$_2$ transition theories. We analyze the observed HI with an HI-to-H$_2$ transition theoretical model, and show that the theory-observation discrepancy cannot be explained by the intense radiation in W43, nor by variations of the assumed volume density or H$_2$ formation-rate coefficient. We show that the large observed HI columns are naturally explained by several ($9-22$) HI-to-H$_2$ transition layers, superimposed along the sightlines of W43. We discuss other possible interpretations such as a non-steady-state scenario, and inefficient dust absorption. The case of W43 suggests that HI thresholds reported in extra-galactic observations are probably not associated with a single HI-to-H$_2$ transition, but are rather a result of several transition layers (clouds) along the sightlines, beam-diluted with diffuse inter-cloud gas.
S. Bialy, S. Bihr, H. Beuther, et. al.
Fri, 9 Dec 16
Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures. ApJ accepted. Comments welcome
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