A statistical study of giant molecular clouds traced by $^{13}$CO, C$^{18}$O, CS, and CH$_3$OH in the disk of NGC 1068 based on ALMA observations [GA]


We present $1”.4$ (98 pc) resolution ALMA observations of $^{13}$CO($J$=1-0), C$^{18}$O($J$=1-0), CS($J$=2-1) and CH$_3$OH($J_K$=$2_K$-$1_K$) molecular lines in the central $1’$ (4.2 kpc) region of NGC 1068 to study the physical and chemical properties of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and to test whether these GMC-scale properties are linked to the larger-scale galactic environment. Using the derived $^{13}$CO cube, we have identified 187 high-significance ($> 8\sigma$) GMCs by employing the CLUMPFIND algorithm. The molecular gas masses of GMCs $M_{\rm ^{13}CO}$, derived from the $^{13}$CO data, range from $1.8 \times 10^4 ~ M_\odot$ to $4.2 \times 10^7 ~M_\odot$.
A mass function of GMCs in NGC 1068 has been obtained for the first time at $\sim$100 pc resolution. We find the slope of the mass function $\gamma = -1.25 \pm 0.07$ for a mass range of $M_{\rm ^{13}CO} \geq 10^5M_\odot$. This is shallower than the GMCs in the disk regions of the Milky Way, M51 and NGC 300. Further, we find that the high mass cut-off of the GMC mass function occurs at $M_{\rm ^{13}CO} \sim 6 \times 10^7 M_\odot$, which is an order of magnitude larger than that in the nuclear bar region of M51, indicating that the more massive clouds dominate the mass budget in NGC 1068. The observed C$^{18}$O)/$^{13}$CO intensity ratios are found to be fairly uniform (0.27 $\pm$ 0.05) among the identified GMCs. In contrast, the CH$_3$OH/$^{13}$CO ratios exhibit striking spatial variation across the disk, with the smallest values around the bar-end ($<$ 0.03), and larger ratios along the spiral arms ($\sim$ 0.1-0.2). We find that GMCs with detectable methanol emission tend to have systematically larger velocity widths than those without methanol emission, suggesting that (relatively weak) shocks are responsible for the enhancement of the CH$_3$OH/$^{13}$CO ratios of GMCs in the disk of NGC 1068.

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T. Tosaki, K. Kohno, N. Harada, et. al.
Tue, 6 Dec 16

Comments: 35 pages, 13 figures, in press at Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan