A Multi-Gigahertz Analog Transient Recorder Integrated Circuit [CL]


A monolithic multi-channel analog transient recorder, implemented using switched capacitor sample-and-hold circuits and a high-speed analogically-adjustable delay-line-based write clock, has been designed, fabricated and tested. The 2.1 by 6.9 mm layout, in 1.2 micron CMOS, includes over 31,000 transistors and 2048 double polysilicon capacitors. The circuit contains four parallel channels, each with a 512 deep switched-capacitor sample-and-hold system. A 512 deep edge sensitive tapped active delay line uses look-ahead and 16 way interleaving to develop the 512 sample and hold clocks, each as little as 3.2 ns wide and 200 ps apart. Measurements of the device have demonstrated 5 GHz maximum sample rate, at least 350 MHz bandwidth, an extrapolated rms aperture uncertainty per sample of 0.7 ps, and a signal to rms noise ratio of 2000:1.

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S. Kleinfelder
Tue, 6 Dec 16

Comments: 64 pages, 17 figures. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1992