We study a flavor texture in a supersymmetric model with vector-like generations by using Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. We find realistic flavor structures which reproduce the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and fermion masses at low-energy. Furthermore, the fermionic component of the gauge singlet field becomes a candidate of dark matter, whereas the vacuum expectation value of the scalar component gives the vector-like mass. In our model, flavor physics and dark matter are explained with moderate size couplings through renormalization group flows, and the presence of dark matter supports the existence of just three generations in low energy scales. We analyze the parameter region where the current thermal relic abundance of dark matter, the Higgs boson mass and the muon $g-2$ can be explained simultaneously.
T. Higaki, M. Nishida and N. Takeda
Tue, 15 Nov 16
Comments: 28 pages, 4 figures
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