General relativistic simulations of compact binary mergers as engines of short gamma-ray bursts [HEAP]

Black hole – neutron star (BHNS) and neutron star – neutron star (NSNS) binaries are among the favored candidates for the progenitors of the black hole – disk systems that may be the engines powering short-hard gamma ray bursts. After almost two decades of simulations of binary NSNSs and BHNSs in full general relativity we are now beginning to understand the ingredients that may be necessary for these systems to launch incipient jets. Here, we review our current understanding, and summarize the surprises and lessons learned from state-of-the-art (magnetohydrodynamic) simulations in full general relativity of BHNS and NSNS mergers as jet engines for short-hard gamma-ray bursts.

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V. Paschalidis
Tue, 8 Nov 16

Comments: 32 pages, 7 figures, arXiv version of this review will be updated on a regular basis, comments welcome