A Decade of Developing Radio-Astronomy Instrumentation using CASPER Open-Source Technology [IMA]


The Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER) has been working for a decade to reduce the time and cost of designing, building and deploying new digital radio-astronomy instruments. Today, CASPER open-source technology powers over 45 scientific instruments worldwide, and is used by scientists and engineers at dozens of academic institutions. In this paper we catalog the current offerings of the CASPER collaboration, and instruments past and present built by CASPER users and developers. We describe the ongoing state of software development, as CASPER looks to support a broader range of programming environments and hardware and ensure compatibility with the latest vendor tools.

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J. Hickish, Z. Abdurashidova, Z. Ali, et. al.
Tue, 8 Nov 16

Comments: 24 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Accepted to the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 26 October 2016