What is the right way to quench star formation in semi-analytic model of galaxy formation? [GA]


Semi-analytic models of galaxy formation are powerful tools to study the evolution of galaxy population in a cosmological context. However, most models over-predict the number of low-mass galaxies at high redshifts and the color of model galaxies are not right in the sense that low-mass satellite galaxies are too red and centrals are too blue. The recent version of the L-Galaxies model by Henriques et al.(H15) is a step forward to solve these problems by reproducing the evolution of stellar mass function and the overall fraction of red galaxies. In this paper we compare the two model predictions of L-Galaxies (the other is Guo et al. , G13) to the SDSS data in detail. We find that in the H15 model the red fraction of central galaxies now agrees with the data due to their implementation of strong AGN feedback, but the stellar mass of centrals in massive haloes is now slightly lower than the data. For satellite galaxies, the red fraction of low-mass galaxies ($\log M_{*}/M_{\odot} < 10$) also agrees with the data, but the color of massive satellites ($10 < \log M_{*}/M_{\odot} < 11$) is slightly bluer. The correct color of centrals and bluer color of massive satellites indicate that the quenching in massive satellites are not strong enough. We also find that there are too much red spirals and less bulge-dominated galaxies in both H15 and G13 models. Our results suggest that additional mechanisms, such as more minor merger or disk instability, are needed to slightly increase the stellar mass of central galaxy in massive galaxies, mainly in the bulge component, and the bulge dominated galaxy will be quenched or then be quenched by any other mechanisms.

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Y. Luo and X. Kang
Thu, 20 Oct 16

Comments: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in RAA