The Void Galaxy Survey: Photometry, structure and identity of void galaxies [GA]

We analyze photometry from deep B-band images of 59 void galaxies in the Void Galaxy Survey (VGS), together with their near-infrared 3.6$\mu$m and 4.5$\mu$m Spitzer photometry. The VGS galaxies constitute a sample of void galaxies that were selected by a geometric-topological procedure from the SDSS DR7 data release, and which populate the deep interior of voids. Our void galaxies span a range of absolute B-magnitude from $\rm{M_B=-15.5}$ to $\rm{M_B=-20}$, while at the 3.6$\mu$m band their magnitudes range from $\rm{M_{3.6}=-18}$ to $\rm{M_{3.6}=-24}$. Their B-[3.6] colour and structural parameters indicate these are star forming galaxies. A good reflection of the old stellar population, the near-infrared band photometry also provide a robust estimate of the stellar mass, which for the VGS galaxies we confirm to be smaller than $3 \times 10^{10}$ M$_\odot$. In terms of the structural parameters and morphology, our findings align with other studies in that our VGS galaxy sample consists mostly of small late-type galaxies. Most of them are similar to Sd-Sm galaxies, although a few are irregularly shaped galaxies. The sample even includes two early-type galaxies, one of which is an AGN. Their S\'{e}rsic indices are nearly all smaller than $n=2$ in both bands and they also have small half-light radii. In all, we conclude that the principal impact of the void environment on the galaxies populating them mostly concerns their low stellar mass and small size.

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B. Beygu, R. Peletier, J. Hulst, et. al.
Mon, 19 Sep 16

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 11 figures