Detection relic gravitational waves in thermal case [CEA]

The thermal spectrum of relic gravitational waves causes the new amplitude that called `modified amplitude’. Our analysis shows that, there exist some chances for detection of the thermal spectrum in addition to the usual spectrum by Adv.LIGO and Dml detectors. The behaviour of the inflation and reheating stages are often known as power law expansion like $S(\eta)\propto \eta^{1+\beta}$, $S(\eta)\propto \eta^{1+\beta_s}$ respectively. The $\beta$ and $\beta_s$ have an unique effect on the shape of the spectrum. We find some upper bounds on the $\beta$ and $\beta_s$ by comparison the usual and thermal spectrum with the Adv.LIGO and Dml. As this result gives us more information about the nature of the evolution of inflation and reheating stages.

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B. Ghayour
Thu, 1 Sep 16

Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures