The real space clustering of galaxies in SDSS DR7: I. Two point correlation functions [CEA]

Using a method to correct redshift space distortion (RSD) for individual galaxies, we present the measurements of real space two-point correlation functions (2PCFs) of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7). Galaxy groups selected from the SDSS are used as proxies of dark matter halos to correct the virial motions of galaxies in dark matter halos, and to reconstruct the large-scale velocity field. We use an ensemble of mock catalogs to demonstrate the reliability of our method. Over the range $0.2 < r < 20 h^{-1}{\rm {Mpc}}$, the 2PCF measured directly in reconstructed real space is better than the measurement error due to cosmic variance, if the reconstruction uses the correct cosmology. Applying the method to the SDSS DR7, we construct a real space version of the main galaxy catalog, which contains 396,068 galaxies in the North Galactic Cap with redshifts in the range $0.01 \leq z \leq 0.12$. The Sloan Great Wall, the largest known structure in the nearby Universe, is not as dominant an over-dense structure as appears to be in redshift space. We measure the 2PCFs in reconstructed real space for galaxies of different luminosities and colors. All of them show clear deviations from single power-law forms, and reveal clear transitions from 1-halo to 2-halo terms. A comparison with the corresponding 2PCFs in redshift space nicely demonstrates how RSDs boost the clustering power on large scales (by about $40-50\%$ at scales $\sim10 h^{-1}{\rm {Mpc}}$) and suppress it on small scales (by about $70-80\%$ at a scale of $0.3 h^{-1}{\rm {Mpc}}$). We also investigate the dependence of the bias factor on luminosity and color using the reconstructed real-space $\xi(s)$, and show how our method gives more accurate results than the traditional method based the projected 2PCF. We briefly discuss our method to constrain cosmological parameters.

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F. Shi, X. Yang, H. Wang, et. al.
Tue, 9 Aug 16

Comments: 19 pages, 13 figures