The Equation of State and Duration to Radiation Domination After Inflation [CEA]

We calculate the equation of state after inflation and provide an upper bound on the duration before radiation domination by taking the nonlinear dynamics of the fragmented inflaton field into account. A broad class of single-field inflationary models with observationally consistent flattening of the potential at a scale $M$ away from the origin, $V(\phi)\propto |\phi|^{2n}$ near the origin, and where the couplings to other fields are ignored are included in our analysis. We find that the equation of state parameter $w\rightarrow 0$ for $n=1$ and $w\rightarrow 1/3$ (after sufficient time) for $n\gtrsim 1$. We calculate how the number of $e$-folds to radiation domination depends on both $n$ and $M$ when $M\sim m_{\rm pl}$, whereas when $M\ll m_{\rm pl}$, we find that the duration to radiation domination is negligible. Our results are explained in terms of a linear instability analysis in an expanding universe, scaling arguments, and are supported by detailed 3+1 dimensional lattice simulations. We show how our work significantly reduces the uncertainty in inflationary observables, even after including couplings to additional light fields.

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K. Lozanov and M. Amin
Thu, 4 Aug 16

Comments: v1: 6 pages, 5 figures