On the induced gravitational collapse scenario of gamma-ray bursts associated with supernovae [HEAP]


We analyze the induced gravitational collapse scenario of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) associated with supernovae. We present numerical simulations of the explosion of the carbon-oxygen (CO) core as type Ib/c supernova in presence of a close neutron-star companion. We give details of the hypercritical accretion process triggered by the supernova ejecta onto the neutron-star as a function of the binary parameters and discuss the observables during the different phases of the process starting from the early accretion, to the collapse of the neutron-star, to the interaction of the radiation of the above process with the supernova. Applications to specific GRBs are outlined.

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L. Becerra, C. Bianco, C. Fryer, et. al.
Thu, 9 Jun 16

Comments: Submitted to ApJ