Quark deconfinement in the proto-magnetar model of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts [HEAP]


We investigate the possible implications of quark deconfinement on the phenomenology of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts focusing, in particular, on the possibility to describe multiple prompt emission phases in the context of the proto-magnetar model. Starting from numerical models of rotating Hadron Stars and Quark Stars in full general relativity we track the electromagnetic spin-down evolution in both the hadronic and quark phase, linking the two families through conservation of baryon number and angular momentum. We give estimates of the timescales and the energetics involved in the spin-down process deriving, in the relevant spin range, the relation between the initial and the final masses and rotational energies, whenever hadron-quark conversion is possible. We show how the results can be used in relevant astrophysical cases such as the double burst GRB 110709B.

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A. Pili, N. Bucciantini, A. Drago, et. al.
Wed, 8 Jun 16

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables