Emission lines from the broad emission line region (BELR) and the narrow emission line region (NELR) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are extensively studied. However, between these two regions emission lines are rarely detected. We present a detailed analysis of a quasar SDSS J232444.80-094600.3 (SDSS J2324$-$0946), which is remarkable for its strong intermediate-width emission lines (IELs) with FWHM $\approx$ 1800 \kmps. The IEL component is presented in different emission lines, including the permitted lines \lya\ $\lambda$1216, \civ\ $\lambda$1549, semiforbidden line \ciii\ $\lambda$1909, and forbidden lines \oiii\ $\lambda\lambda$4959, 5007. With the aid of photo-ionization models, we found that the IELs are produced by gas with a hydrogen density of $n_{\rm H} \sim 10^{6.2}-10^{6.3}~\rm cm^{-3}$, a distance to the central ionizing source of $R \sim 35-50$ pc, a covering factor of CF $\sim$ 6\%, and a dust-to-gas ratio of $\leq 4\%$ times of SMC. We suggest that the strong IELs of this quasar are produced by nearly dust-free and intermediate-density gas located at the skin of the dusty torus. Such strong IELs, served as a useful diagnose, can provide an avenue to study the properties of gas between the BELR and the NELR.
Z. Li, H. Zhou, L. Hao, et. al.
Wed, 25 May 16
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