We examine the properties of the scale invariant cosmological models, also making the specific hypothesis of the scale invariance of the empty space at large scales. Numerical integrations of the cosmological equations for different values of the curvature parameter k and of the density parameter Omega_m are performed. We compare the dynamical properties of the models to the observations at different epochs. The main numerical data and graphical representations are given for models computed with different curvatures and density parameters. The models with non-zero density start explosively with first a braking phase followed by a continuously accelerating expansion. The comparison of the models with the recent observations from supernovae SN Ia, BAO and CMB data from Planck 2015 shows that the scale invariant model with k=0 and Omega_m=0.30 very well fits the observations in the usual Omega_m vs. Omega_Lambda plane and consistently accounts for the accelerating expansion or dark energy. The expansion history is compared to observations in the plot H(z) vs. redshift z, the parameters q_0 is also examined, as well the recent data about the redshift z_trans of the transition between braking and acceleration. These dynamical tests are fully satisfied by the scale invariant models. The past evolution of matter and radiation density is studied, it shows small differences with respect to the standard case. These first comparisons are encouraging further investigations on scale invariant cosmology with the assumption of scale invariance of the empty space at large scales.
A. Maeder
Wed, 25 May 16
Comments: 14 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables
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