Constraining the Age and Distance of the Galactic Supernova Remnant G156.2+5.7 by H-alpha Expansion Measurements [HEAP]

We present deep H-alpha images of portions of the X-ray bright but optically faint Galactic supernova remnant G156.2+5.7, revealing numerous and delicately thin nonradiative filaments which mark the location of the remnant’s forward shock. These new images show that these filaments have a complex structure not visible on previous lower resolution optical images. By comparing H-alpha images taken in 2004 at the McDonald Observatory and in 2015-2016 at the Kiso Observatory, we set a stringent 1-sigma upper limit of expansion to be 0.06 arcsec/yr. This proper motion, combined with a shock speed of 500 km/s inferred from X-ray spectral analyses, gives a distance of > 1.7 kpc. In addition, a simple comparison of expansion indices of several SNRs allows us to infer the age of the remnant to be a few 10,000 yr old. These estimates are more straightforward and reliable than any other previous studies, and clearly rule out a possibility that G156.2+5.7 is physically associated with part of the Taurus-Auriga cloud and dust complex at a distance of 200-300 pc.

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S. Katsuda, M. Tanaka, T. Morokuma, et. al.
Wed, 25 May 16

Comments: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal