Nuevos resultados sobre la cinemática global y nuclear de NGC 253: movimientos no circulares y emisión en Br-gamma [GA]

Continuing with previous research (Camperi et al. 2011),new heliocentric radial velocity distributions are presented for the nearby galaxy NGC 253, obtained from the ionized hydrogen recombination line H-alpha. These distributions have been derived from long-slit spectroscopy for various position angles. It is also shown the heliocentric radial velocity distribution corresponding to part of the infrared data (ionized hydrogen recombination line Br-gamma) observed with the Phoenix spectrograph of the Gemini South Observatory. Sequential mapping with the long slit using this instrument will enable to study in detail the kinematics of the galaxy’s core, which is strongly obscured by dust.

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J. Camperi, G. Gunthardt, R. Diaz, et. al.
Tue, 24 May 16

Comments: 5 pages, 6 figures, article, in Spanish