Maxwell-Juttner distribution for rigidly-rotating flows in spherically symmetric spacetimes using the tetrad formalism [CL]

We consider rigidly rotating states in thermal equilibrium on static spherically symmetric spacetimes. Using the Maxwell-Juttner equilibrium distribution function, onstructed as a solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation, the equilibrium particle flow four-vector, stress-energy tensor and the transport coefficients in the Marle model are computed. Their properties are discussed in view of the topology of the speed-of-light surface induced by the rotation for two classes of spacetimes: maximally symmetric (Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter) and charged (Reissner-Nordstrom) black-hole spacetimes. To facilitate our analysis, we employ a non-holonomic comoving tetrad field, obtained unambiguously by applying a Lorentz boost on a fixed background tetrad.

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V. Ambrus and I. Cotaescu
Tue, 24 May 16

Comments: 18 pages, 10 figures