Reheating in Gauss-Bonnet-coupled inflation [CEA]

We investigate the feasibility of models of inflation with a large Gauss-Bonnet coupling at late times, which have been shown to modify and prevent the end of inflation. Despite the potential of Gauss-Bonnet models in predicting favourable power spectra, capable of greatly lowering the tensor-to-scalar-ratio compared to now-disfavoured models of standard chaotic inflation, it is important to also understand in what context it is possible for post-inflationary (p)reheating to proceed and hence recover an acceptable late-time cosmology. We argue that in the previously-studied inverse power law coupling case, reheating cannot happen due to a lack of oscillatory solutions for the inflaton, and that neither instant preheating nor gravitational particle production would avoid this problem due to the persistence of the inflaton’s energy density, even if it were to partially decay. Hence we proceed to define a minimal generalisation of the model which can permit perturbative reheating and study the consequences of this, including heavily modified dynamics during reheating and predictions of the power spectra.

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C. Bruck, K. Dimopoulos and C. Longden
Mon, 23 May 16

Comments: 23 pages, 6 figures