Possible Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes from FRI quasars [HEAP]


We explore the question of the rapid buildup of black hole mass in the early universe employing a growing black hole mass-based determination of both jet and disk powers predicted in recent theoretical work on black hole accretion and jet formation. Despite simplified, even artificial assumptions about accretion and mergers, we identify an interesting low probability channel for the growth of one billion solar mass black holes within hundreds of millions of years of the Big Bang without appealing to super Eddington accretion. This result is made more compelling by the recognition of a connection between this channel and an end product involving active galaxies with FRI radio morphology but weaker jet powers in mildly sub-Eddington accretion regimes. While FRI quasars have already been shown to occupy a small region of the available parameter space for black hole feedback in the paradigm, we further suggest that the observational dearth of FRI quasars is also related to their connection to the most massive black hole growth due to both these FRIs high redshifts and relative weakness. Our results also allow us to construct the AGN luminosity function at high redshift, that agree with recent studies. In short, we produce a connection between the unexplained paucity of a given family of active galactic nuclei and the rapid growth of supermassive black holes, two heretofore seemingly unrelated aspects of the physics of active galactic nuclei.

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M. Kim, D. Christian, D. Garofalo, et. al.
Mon, 16 May 16

Comments: Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 12-May-2016., 27 pages, 7 figures, 1 table