EPIC212521166 b: a Neptune-mass planet with Earth-like density [EPA]


We report the discovery of the exoplanet EPIC212521166 b from K2 photometry orbiting on a 13.8637d period around an old, metal-poor K3 dwarf star. A joint analysis of K2 photometry and high-precision RVs from HARPS reveals it to have a radius of 2.6$\pm 0.1 R_{\oplus}$ and a mass of 18.3$\pm 2.8 M_{\oplus}$, making it the most massive planet with a sub-Neptune radius (i.e. mini-Neptune) yet found. When accounting for compression, the resulting Earth-like density is best fit by a $0.2M_{\oplus}$ hydrogen atmosphere over an $18M_{\oplus}$ Earth-like core, although the planet could also have significant water content. At 0.1AU, even taking into account the old stellar age of $8 \pm 3$ Gyr, the planet is unlikely to have been significantly affected by EUV evaporation or tides. However the planet likely disc-migrated to its current position making the lack of a thick H$_2$ atmosphere puzzling. With a V-band magnitude of 11.9 it is particularly amenable to follow-up observations, making EPIC-1166 b a rare and extremely important planetary system.

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H. Osborn, A. Santerne, S. Barros, et. al.
Mon, 16 May 16

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