The Impact of Modeling Assumptions in Galactic Chemical Evolution Models [GA]

We use the OMEGA galactic chemical evolution code to investigate how the assumptions used for the treatment of galactic inflows and outflows impact numerical predictions. The goal is to determine how our capacity to reproduce the chemical evolution trends of a galaxy is affected by the choice of implementation used to include those physical processes. In pursuit of this goal, we experiment with three different prescriptions for galactic inflows and outflows and use OMEGA within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo code to recover the set of input parameters that best reproduces the chemical evolution of nine elements in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Sculptor. Despite their different degrees of intended physical realism, we found that all three prescriptions can reproduce in an almost identical way the stellar abundance trends observed in Sculptor. While the three models have the same capacity to fit the data, the best values recovered for the parameters controlling the number of Type Ia supernovae and the strength of galactic outflows, are substantially different and in fact mutually exclusive from one model to another. For the purpose of understanding how a galaxy evolves, we conclude that only reproducing the evolution of a limited number of elements is insufficient and can lead to misleading conclusions. More elements or additional constraints such as the galaxy’s star formation efficiency and the gas fraction are needed in order to break the degeneracy between the different modeling assumptions. On the other hand, from a stellar evolution perspective, our results are encouraging since they suggest that we do not need a complex model to test and validate stellar yields. In that regard, as long as the main ingredients are included in a model, the complexity and the choice of implementation do not really matter.

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B. Cote, B. OShea, C. Ritter, et. al.
Thu, 28 Apr 16

Comments: 14 pages, 10 figures, 1 table