Marginalized Fisher Forecast for Horndeski Dark Energy Models [CEA]

We use effective field theory (EFT) formalism to forecast the constraint on Horndeski class of dark energy models with future supernova and galaxy surveys. Previously (Gleyzes {\it et al.}) computed unmarginalized constraints (68\% CL error $\sim 10^{-3}$–$10^{-2}$) on EFT dark energy parameters by fixing all other parameters. We extend the previous work by allowing all cosmological parameters and nuisance parameters to vary and marginalizing over them. We find that (i) the constraints on EFT dark energy parameters are typically worsen by a factor of few after marginalization, and (ii) the constraint on the dark energy equation of state $w$ is not significantly affected by the inclusion of EFT dark energy parameters.

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J. Leung and Z. Huang
Tue, 26 Apr 16

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure