Cosmological Constraints on Higgs-Dilaton Inflation [CEA]

We test the viability of the Higgs-Dilaton Model (HDM) compared to the cosmological constant ($\Lambda$CDM) and evolving dark energy ($w_0 w_a$CDM) models, by using the latest cosmological data that includes the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature, polarization and lensing data from the Planck satellite (2015 release), the BICEP and Keck Array experiments, the Type Ia supernovae from the JLA catalog, the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and finally, the Weak Lensing data from the CFHTLenS survey. We find that the values of all cosmological parameters allowed by the Higgs-Dilaton model Inflation are well within the \textit{Planck 15} constraints. In particular, we have that $w_0 = -1.0001^{+0.0072}_{-0.0074}$, $w_a = 0.00^{+0.15}_{-0.16}$, $n_s = 0.9693^{+0.0083}_{-0.0082}$, $\alpha_s = -0.001^{+0.013}_{-0.014}$ and $r_{0.05} = 0.0025^{+0.0017}_{-0.0016}$ (95\%C.L.). We also place new stringent constraints on the couplings of the Higgs-Dilaton model and we find that $\xi_\chi < 0.00328$ and $\xi_h/\sqrt{\lambda} = 59200^{+30000}_{-20000}$ (95\%C.L.). Finally, we report that the HDM is more than competitive with respect to the $w_0 w_a$CDM model as they have a similar chi-square, i.e. $\Delta \chi^2=\chi^2_{\Lambda CDM}-\chi^2_{HDM}=0.178$, but with the HDM model having two fewer parameters, thus being equally compatible with the $\Lambda$CDM model.

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M. Trashorras, S. Nesseris and J. Garcia-Bellido
Mon, 25 Apr 16

Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures