I examine the standard model of planet formation, including pebble accretion, using numerical simulations. Planetary embryos large enough to become giant planets do not form beyond the ice line within a typical disk lifetime unless icy pebbles stick at higher speeds than in experiments using rocky pebbles. Systems like the Solar System (small inner planets, giant outer planets) can form if (i) icy pebbles are stickier than rocky pebbles, and (ii) the planetesimal formation efficiency increases with pebble size, which prevents the formation of massive terrestrial planets. Growth beyond the ice line is dominated by pebble accretion. Most growth occurs early, when the surface density of pebbles is high due to inward drift of pebbles from the outer disk. Growth is much slower after the outer disk is depleted. The outcome is sensitive to the disk radius and turbulence level, which control the lifetime and maximum size of pebbles. The outcome is sensitive to the size of the largest planetesimals since there is a threshold mass for the onset of pebble accretion. The planetesimal formation rate is unimportant provided that some large planetesimals form while pebbles remain abundant. Two outcomes are seen, depending on whether pebble accretion begins while pebbles are still abundant. Either (i) multiple gas giant planets form beyond the ice line, small planets form close to the star, and a Kuiper-belt-like disk of bodies is scattered outwards by the giant planets; or (ii) no giants form and bodies remain Earth-mass or smaller.
J. Chambers
Fri, 22 Apr 16
Comments: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
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