Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: A Galactic Origin? [HEAP]


It is suggested that essentially all of the UHECRs we detect, including those at the highest energy, originate in our Galaxy. It is shown that even if the density of sources decreases with Galactic radius, then the anisotropy and composition can be understood. Inward anisotropy, as recently reported by the Auger collaboration can be understood as drift along the current sheet of UHECRs originating outside the solar circle, as predicted in Kumar and Eichler (2014), while those originating within the solar circle exit the Galaxy at high latitudes.

Read this paper on arXiv…

D. Eichler, N. Globus, R. Kumar, et. al.
Thu, 21 Apr 16

Comments: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal