Symbiotic stars in X-rays III: Suzaku observations [HEAP]

We describe the X-ray emission as observed with Suzaku from five symbiotic stars that we selected for deep Suzaku observations after their initial detection with ROSAT, ASCA and Swift. We find that the X-ray spectra of all five sources can be adequately fit with absorbed, optically thin thermal plasma models, with either single- or multi-temperature plasmas. These models are compatible with the X-ray emission originating in the boundary layer between an accretion disk and a white dwarf. The high plasma temperatures of kT$~>3$ keV for all five targets were greater than expected for colliding winds. Based on these high temperatures, as well as previous measurements of UV variability and UV luminosity, and the large amplitude of X-ray flickering in 4 Dra, we conclude that all five sources are accretion-powered through predominantly optically thick boundary layers. Our X-ray data allow us to observe a small, optically thin portion of the emission from these boundary layers. Given the time between previous observations and these observations, we find that the intrinsic X-ray flux and the intervening absorbing column can vary by factors of three or more on a time scale of years. However, the location of the absorber and the relationship between changes in accretion rate and absorption are still elusive.

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N. Nunez, T. Nelson, K. Mukai, et. al.
Thu, 21 Apr 16

Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. Accepted to published 04/15/2016. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1505.00633