gevolution: a cosmological N-body code based on General Relativity [CEA]

We present a new N-body code, gevolution, for the evolution of large scale structure in the Universe. Our code is based on a weak field expansion of General Relativity and calculates all six metric degrees of freedom in Poisson gauge. N-body particles are evolved by solving the geodesic equation which we write in terms of a canonical momentum such that it remains valid also for relativistic particles. We validate the code by considering the Schwarzschild solution and, in the Newtonian limit, by comparing with the Newtonian N-body code Gadget-2. We then proceed with a simulation of large scale structure in a Universe with massive neutrinos where we study the gravitational slip induced by the neutrino shear stress. The code can be extended to include different kinds of dark energy or modified gravity models and going beyond the usually adopted quasi-static approximation. Our code is publicly available.

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J. Adamek, D. Daverio, R. Durrer, et. al.
Thu, 21 Apr 16

Comments: 26 pages + appendix, 9 figures; code available at this https URL