Earth-mass haloes and the emergence of NFW density profiles [CEA]

We report results from simulations of neutralino dark matter ($\chi$DM) haloes. We follow them from their emergence at one earth mass to a final mass of a few percent solar. We show that the density profiles of the first haloes are well described by a $\sim r^{-1.5}$ power-law. As haloes grow in mass, their density profiles evolve significantly. In the central regions, they become shallower and reach on average $\sim r^{-1}$, the asymptotic form of an NFW profile. However, the profile of individual haloes can show non-monotonic density slopes, and be shallower than $-1$ in some cases. We investigate the transformation of cuspy power-law profiles using a series of non-cosmological simulations of equal-mass mergers. Contrary to previous findings, we observe that temporal variations in the gravitational potential caused by mergers lead to a shallowing of the inner profile, an effect which is stronger for shallower initial profiles and for mergers that involve a higher number of systems. Depending on the merger details, the resulting profiles can be shallower or steeper than NFW in their inner regions. Interestingly, mergers have a much weaker effect when the initial profile is given by a broken power-law with an inner slope of $-1$ (such as NFW or Hernquist profiles). This offers a plausible explanation for the emergence of NFW-like profiles in $\chi$DM simulations. After their initial collapse, $\chi$DM haloes suffer copious major mergers, which progressively shallows the profile. However, once an NFW-like profile is established, it appears stable against subsequent merging. This suggests that halo profiles are not universal but rather a combination of (1) the physics of the formation of the microhaloes and (2) their early merger history, which are both set by the properties of the dark matter particle, as well as (3) the resilience of NFW-like profiles to perturbations.

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R. Angulo, O. Hahn, A. Ludlow, et. al.
Wed, 13 Apr 16

Comments: 16 pages, 14 figures