An Ultra-Fast X-ray Disk Wind in the Neutron Star Binary GX 340+0 [HEAP]

We present a spectral analysis of a brief Chandra/HETG observation of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GX~340+0. The high-resolution spectrum reveals evidence of ionized absorption in the Fe K band. The strongest feature, an absorption line at approximately 6.9 keV, is required at the 5 sigma level of confidence via an F-test. Photoionization modeling with XSTAR grids suggests that the line is the most prominent part of a disk wind with an apparent outflow speed of v = 0.04c. This interpretation is preferred at the 4 sigma level over a scenario in which the line is H-like Fe XXVI at a modest red-shift. The wind may achieve this speed owing to its relatively low ionization, enabling driving by radiation pressure on lines; in this sense, the wind in GX 340+0 may be the stellar-mass equivalent of the flows in broad absorption line quasars (BALQSOs). If the gas has a unity volume filling factor, the mass ouflow rate in the wind is over 10^-5 Msun/year, and the kinetic power is nearly 10^39 erg/s (or, 5-6 times the radiative Eddington limit for a neutron star). However, geometrical considerations – including a small volume filling factor and low covering factor – likely greatly reduce these values.

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J. Miller, J. Raymond, E. Cackett, et. al.
Wed, 13 Apr 16

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters