Hawking radiation from a five-dimensional Lovelock black hole [CL]


We investigate Hawking radiation from a five-dimensional Lovelock black hole using the Hamilton-Jacobi method. The behavior of the rate of radiation is plotted for various values of the ultraviolet correction parameter and the cosmological constant. The results show that, owing to the ultraviolet correction and the presence of dark energy represented by the cosmological constant, the black hole radiates at a slower rate in comparison to the case without ultraviolet correction or cosmological constant. Moreover, the presence of the cosmological constant makes the effect of the ultraviolet correction on the black hole radiation negligible.

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M. Saleh, B. Thomas and K. Crepin
Fri, 8 Apr 16

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0808.1735 by other authors