A measurement of the time profile of scintillation induced by low energy gamma-rays in liquid xenon with the XMASS-I detector [CL]


We report the measurement of the emission time profile of scintillation from gamma-ray induced events in the XMASS-I 832 kg liquid xenon scintillation detector. Decay time constant was derived from a comparison of scintillation photon timing distributions between the observed data and simulated samples in order to take into account optical processes such as absorption and scattering in liquid xenon. Calibration data of radioactive sources, $^{55}$Fe, $^{241}$Am, and $^{57}$Co were used to obtain the decay time constant. The decay time constant $\tau$ increased from 27.9 ns to 37.0 ns as the gamma-ray energy increased from 5.9 keV to 122 keV. The accuracy of the measurement was better than 1.5 ns at all energy levels. Furthermore, a fast decay component with $\tau \sim$2 ns was necessary to reproduce data. The obtained data almost reproduced previously reported data and extended it to the lower energy region relevant to the direct dark matter search.

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H. Takiya, K. Abe, K. Hiraide, et. al.
Thu, 7 Apr 16

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures