Fe K$α$ Profiles from Simulations of Accreting Black Holes [HEAP]


We present first results from a new technique for the prediction of Fe K$\alpha$ profiles directly from general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations. Data from a GRMHD simulation are processed by a Monte Carlo global radiation transport code, which determines the X-ray flux irradiating the disk surface and the coronal electron temperature self-consistently. With that irradiating flux and the disk’s density structure drawn from the simulation, we determine the reprocessed Fe K$\alpha$ emission from photoionization equilibrium and solution of the radiation transfer equation. We produce maps of the surface brightness of Fe K$\alpha$ emission over the disk surface, which—for our example of a $10 M_\odot$, Schwarzschild black hole accreting at $1\%$ the Eddington value—rises steeply one gravitational radius outside the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit and then falls $\propto r^{-2}$ at larger radii. We explain these features of the Fe K$\alpha$ radial surface brightness profile as consequences of the disk’s ionization structure and an extended coronal geometry, respectively. We also present the corresponding Fe K$\alpha$ line profiles as would be seen by distant observers at several inclinations. Both the shapes of the line profiles and the equivalent widths of our predicted K$\alpha$ lines are qualitatively similar to those typically observed from accreting black holes. Most importantly, this work represents a direct link between theory and observation: in a fully self-consistent way, we produce observable results—iron fluorescence line profiles—from the theory of black hole accretion with almost no phenomenological assumptions.

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B. Kinch, J. Schnittman, T. Kallman, et. al.
Wed, 6 Apr 16

Comments: 27 pages, 13 figures