A framework for testing isotropy with the cosmic microwave background [CEA]


We present a new framework for testing the isotropy of the Universe using cosmic microwave background data, building on the nested-sampling ANICOSMO code. Uniquely, we are able to constrain the scalar, vector and tensor degrees of freedom alike; previous studies only considered the vector mode (linked to vorticity). We employ Bianchi type VII$_h$ cosmologies to model the anisotropic Universe, from which other types may be obtained by taking suitable limits. In a separate development, we improve the statistical analysis by including the effect of Bianchi power in the high-$\ell$, as well as the low-$\ell$, likelihood. To understand the effect of all these changes, we apply our new techniques to WMAP data. We find no evidence for anisotropy, constraining shear in the vector mode to $(\sigma_V/H)_0 < 1.7 \times 10^{-10}$ (95% CL). For the first time, we place limits on the tensor mode; unlike other modes, the tensor shear can grow from a near-isotropic early Universe. The limit on this type of shear is $(\sigma_{T,\rm reg}/H)_0 < 2.4 \times 10^{-7}$ (95% CL).

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D. Saadeh, S. Feeney, A. Pontzen, et. al.
Wed, 6 Apr 16

Comments: 11 pages, 6 figures, to be submitted to MNRAS