Searching for electromagnetic counterpart of LIGO gravitational waves in the Fermi GBM data with ADWO [HEAP]

The Fermi collaboration identified a possible electromagnetic counterpart of the GW event of September 14, 2015. Our goal is to work out an unsupervised data analysis algorithm to identify similar events in the Fermi’s Gamma-ray Burst Monitor CTTE data stream. In a typical case the signal is very weak and can be only found by a careful analysis of count rates of all detectors and energy channels simultaneously. Our Automatized Detector Weight Optimization (ADWO) method includes a search for the signal, and a test of its significance. We developed ADWO, a virtual detector analysis tool for multi-channel multi-detector signals, that is apparently useful searching for short transients in data-streams. We have successfully identified GRB150522, and possible EM counterparts of transients GW150914 and LVT151012.

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Z. Bagoly, D. Szecsi, L. Balazs, et. al.
Wed, 23 Mar 16

Comments: 4 pages and 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letters