The origin of compact galaxies with anomalously high black hole masses [GA]

Observations of local galaxies harbouring supermassive black holes (BH) of anomalously high mass, M_BH, relative to their stellar mass, M_star, appear to be at odds with simple models of the co-evolution between galaxies and their central BHs. We study the origin of such outliers in a LCDM context using the EAGLE cosmological, hydrodynamical simulation. We find 15 “M_BH(M_star)-outlier” galaxies, defined as having M_BH more than 1.5 dex above the median M_BH(M_star) relation in the simulation, M_{BH,med}. All M_BH(M_star)-outliers are satellite galaxies, typically with M_star ~ 10^10 M_sun and M_BH ~ 10^8 M_sun. They have all become outliers primarily due to tidal stripping of their outer stellar component acting over several Gyr, with a secondary effect of rapid BH growth at high-z causing some to lie approximately 1 dex above the z=0 relation prior to stripping. The same mechanisms also cause the M_BH(M_star)-outlier satellites to be amongst the most compact galaxies in the simulation, making them ideal candidates for ultracompact dwarf galaxy progenitors. The 10 most extreme central galaxies found at z=0 (with log_{10}(M_BH/M_{BH,med}) in [1.2, 1.5]) grow rapidly in M_BH to lie well above the present-day M_BH-M_star relation at early times (z > 2), and either continue to evolve parallel to the z=0 relation or remain unchanged until the present day, making them “relics” of the high-redshift universe. This high-z formation mechanism may help to explain the origin of observed M_BH(M_star)-outliers with extended dark matter haloes and undisturbed morphologies.

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C. Barber, J. Schaye, R. Bower, et. al.
Wed, 17 Feb 16

Comments: 15 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!