Global simulations of galactic winds including cosmic ray streaming [GA]

Galactic outflows play an important role in galactic evolution. Despite their importance, a detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for the driving of these winds is lacking. In an effort to gain more insight into the nature of these flows, we perform global three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of an isolated Milky Way-size starburst galaxy. We focus on the dynamical role of cosmic rays injected by supernovae, and specifically on the impact of the streaming and anisotropic diffusion of cosmic rays along the magnetic fields. We find that these microphysical effects can have a significant effect on the wind launching and mass loading factors depending on the details of the plasma physics. Due to the cosmic ray streaming instability, cosmic rays propagating in the interstellar medium scatter on self-excited Alfven waves and couple to the gas. When the wave growth due to the streaming instability is inhibited by some damping process, such as the turbulent damping, the cosmic ray coupling to the gas is weaker and their effective propagation speed faster than the Alfven speed. Alternatively, cosmic rays could scatter from “extrinsic turbulence” that is driven by another mechanism. We demonstrate that the presence of moderately super-Alfvenic cosmic ray streaming enhances the efficiency of galactic wind driving. Cosmic rays stream away from denser regions near the galactic disk along partially ordered magnetic fields and, in the process, accelerate more tenuous gas away from the galaxy. For cosmic ray acceleration efficiencies broadly consistent with the observational constraints, cosmic rays reduce the galactic star formation rates and significantly aid in launching galactic winds.

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M. Ruszkowski, H. Yang and E. Zweibel
Wed, 17 Feb 16

Comments: submitted to ApJ