Flat rotation curves and a non-evolving Tully-Fisher relation from KMOS galaxies at z~1 [GA]


The study of the evolution of star-forming galaxies requires the determination of accurate kinematics and scaling relations out to high redshift. In this paper, we select a sample of 18 galaxies at z~1, observed in the H-alpha emission-line with KMOS, to derive accurate kinematics using a novel 3D analysis technique. We use the new code 3D-Barolo, that models the galaxy emission directly in the 3D observational space, without the need to extract kinematic maps. This technique’s major advantage is that it is not affected by beam smearing and thus it enables accurate determination of rotation velocity and internal velocity dispersion, even at low spatial resolution. We find that: 1) the rotation curves of these z~1 galaxies rise very steeply within few kiloparsecs and remain flat out to the outermost radius and 2) the H-alpha velocity dispersions are low, ranging from 15 to 40 km/s, which leads to V/sigma = 3-10. These characteristics are remarkably similar to those of disc galaxies in the local Universe. Finally, we also report no evolution of the Tully-Fisher relation, as our sample lies precisely on the same relation of local spiral galaxies. These findings are more robust than those obtained with previous methods because of our 3D approach. Two-dimensional techniques with partial or absent corrections for beam smearing can systematically lead to the overestimation of velocity dispersions and underestimation of rotation velocities, which result in the inaccurate placement of galaxies in the Tully-Fisher diagram. Our results show that disc galaxies are kinematically mature and rotation-dominated already at z~1.

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E. Teodoro, F. Fraternali and S. Miller
Wed, 17 Feb 16

Comments: Submitted to A&A, comments welcome