In this letter, we investigate the traversable wormholes in the holographic dark energy (HDE) model constrained by the modern astronomical observations. First of all, we constrain the HDE model by adopting different data-sets, explore the cosmological background evolution of the HDE model, and find that the HDE model will be fitting better than the Ricci dark energy (RDE) model for the same SNe Ia data-sets by using the the so-called Akaike Information Criterions (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterions (BIC) . Furthermore, we discover that if taking the SNe Ia data-sets, the wormholes will appear (open) when the redshift $z<0.027$. Subsequently, several specific traversable wormhole solutions are obtained, including the constant redshift function, traceless stress energy tensor, a special choice for the shape function as well as the case of isotropic pressure. Except for the first case, it is very necessary to theoretically construct the traversable wormholes by matching the exterior geometries to the interior geometries. Naturally, one can easily find that the dimensions of the wormholes for the left cases are substantially finite.
D. Wang and X. Meng
Tue, 16 Feb 16
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