Origin of the Broad Iron Line Feature and the Soft X-ray Variation in Seyfert Galaxies [HEAP]


Many Seyfert galaxies are known to exhibit significant X-ray spectral variations and seemingly broad iron K-emission line features. In this paper, we show that the “variable partial covering model”, which has been successfully proposed for MCG-6.30-15 (Miyakawa, Ebisawa & Inoue 2012) and 1H0707.495 (Mizumoto, Ebisawa & Sameshima 2014), can also explain the spectral variations in 2-10 keV as well as the broad iron line features in 20 other Seyfert galaxies observed with Suzaku. In this model, the absorbed spectral component through the optically-thick absorbing clouds has a significant iron K-edge, which primarily accounts for the observed seemingly broad iron line feature. Fluctuation of the absorbing clouds in the line of sight of the extended X-ray source results in variation of the partial covering fraction, which causes an anti-correlation between the direct (not covered) spectral component and the absorbed (covered) spectral component below ~10 keV. Observed spectral variation in 2-10 keV in a timescale of less than ~day is primarily explained by such variations of the partial covering fraction, while the intrinsic soft X-ray luminosity is hardly variable.

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N. Iso, K. Ebisawa, H. Sameshima, et. al.
Tue, 16 Feb 16

Comments: 39 pages, 7 figures, accepted by PASJ