Implication of the association between GBM transient 150914 and LIGO Gravitational Wave event GW150914 [HEAP]

On September 14, 2015 the two detectors of LIGO simultaneously detected a transient gravitational-wave signal GW150914 and the Fermi GBM observations found a weak short gamma-ray burst (SGRB)-like transient (i.e., the GBM transient 150914). The time and location coincidences favor the association between GW150904 and GBM transient 150914. We compared GBM transient 150914 with other SGRBs and found that such an event is indeed a distinct outlier in the $E_{\rm p,rest}-E_{\rm iso}$ and $E_{\rm p,rest}-L_{\gamma}$ diagrams ($E_{\rm iso}$ is the isotropic-equivalent energy, $L_\gamma$ is the luminosity and $E_{\rm p,rest}$ is the rest frame peak energy of the prompt emission), possibly due to its specific binary-black-hole merger origin. However, the presence of a “new” group of SGRBs with “low” $L_\gamma$ and $E_{\rm iso}$ but high $E_{\rm p,rest}$ is also possible. If the outflow of GBM transient 150914 was launched by the accretion onto the nascent black hole, we estimate the accretion disk mass to be $\sim 10^{-5}~M_\odot$, implying that the binary black hole progenitors were in dense medium. The association between GBM transient 150914 and GW150914 also provides the first opportunity to directly measure the velocity of the gravitational wave. The difference between the gravitational wave velocity and the speed of the light is found to be smaller than a factor of $10^{-17}$, nicely in agreement with the prediction of general relativity theory.

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X. Li, F. Zhang, Q. Yuan, et. al.
Tue, 16 Feb 16

Comments: 5 pages including 2 eps figures