EPIC210957318b and EPIC212110888b: two inflated hot-Jupiters around Solar-type stars [EPA]


We report the discovery of the two hot-Jupiters EPIC210957318b and EPIC212110888b (hereafter EPIC-318b and EPIC-888b, respectively). The two planets were detected transiting their main-sequence star with periods $\sim$ 4.099 and $\sim$ 2.996 days, in campaigns 4 and 5 of the extension of the Kepler mission, K2. Subsequent ground-based radial velocity follow-up with SOPHIE, HARPS-N and CAFE, established the planetary nature of the transiting objects. We analyzed the transit signal, radial velocity and spectral energy distributions of the two systems to characterize their properties. Both planets (EPIC-318b and EPIC-888b) are bloated hot-Jupiters (1.25 $R_{\rm Jup}$ and 1.33 $R_{\rm Jup}$) around relatively bright (V =13.5 and V=11.5), slow rotating main-sequence (G8 and F9) stars. Thus, these systems are good candidates for detecting the Rossiter-MacLaughlin effect to measure their obliquity and for atmospheric studies.

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J. Lillo-Box, O. Demangeon, A. Santerne, et. al.
Fri, 29 Jan 16

Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, 7 tables, submitted to A&A Letters