A tomographic algorithm to determine tip-tilt information from laser guide stars [IMA]


Laser Guide Stars (LGS) have greatly increased the sky-coverage of Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. Due to the up-link turbulence experienced by LGSs, a Natural Guide Star (NGS) is still required, preventing full sky-coverage. We present a method of obtaining tip-tilt information from LGSs alone in multi-LGS tomographic LGS AO systems. The method of LGS up-link tip-tilt determination is derived using a geometric approach, then an alteration to the Learn and Apply algorithm for tomographic AO is made to accommodate up-link tip-tilt. Simulation results are presented, verifying that the technique shows good performance in correcting high altitude tip-tilt, but not that from low altitudes. We suggest that the method is combined with far off-axis tip-tilt NGS to provide gains in performance and sky-coverage over current tomographic AO systems.

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A. Reeves, T. Morris, R. Myers, et. al.
Fri, 29 Jan 16

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS, 11th November 2015