The Mass-Concentration-Redshift Relation of Cold and Warm Dark Matter Halos [CEA]

We use a suite of cosmological simulations to study the mass-concentration-redshift relation, $c({\rm M},z)$, of dark matter halos assembled hierarchically. Our runs include both standard $\Lambda$-cold dark matter (CDM) models, as well as several additional simulations with sharply truncated density fluctuation power spectra, such as those expected in a thermal warm dark matter (WDM) scenario. As in earlier work, we find that the mass profiles of CDM and WDM halos are self-similar and well approximated by the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile. The $c({\rm M},z)$ relation of CDM halos is monotonic: concentrations decrease with increasing virial mass at fixed redshift, and decrease with increasing redshift at fixed mass. The main-progenitor mass accretion histories (MAHs) of CDM halos are also scale-free, a result that has been used to infer halo concentrations directly from MAHs. These results do not apply to WDM halos: their MAHs are not scale-free because of the characteristic scale imposed by the power-spectrum suppression. Further, the WDM $c({\rm M},z)$ relation is not monotonic: concentrations peak at a halo mass scale dictated by the truncation scale, and decrease at higher and lower masses. We show that the assembly history of a halo can still be used to infer its concentration, provided that the total mass of its collapsed progenitors is considered (the “collapsed mass history”; CMH), rather than just that of its main ancestor. This follows the original NFW proposal, and exploits the scale-free nature of CMHs to derive a simple scaling that reproduces the mass-concentration-redshift relation of both CDM and WDM halos in our simulations over a vast range of halo masses and cosmic time. Our model therefore provides a robust account of the mass, redshift, cosmology and power spectrum dependence of the concentrations of dark matter halos assembled hierarchically.

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A. Ludlow, S. Bose, R. Angulo, et. al.
Wed, 13 Jan 16

Comments: 20 pages, 15 figures